Wednesday, June 10, 2009

This day, rejoice!

This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! Psalm 118:24

Some words are so common to us that we forget how much power there is in them. Take for instance the above verse from Psalm 118, how many times have you heard this verse and agreed or have said, "Yea, whatever, not really rejoicing today!" WE all do this, but I have found if you take one verse and really meditate on it, new and deeper meaning comes to light.

Psalm 118 is all about rejoicing in God's unchanging love, unchanging in not something that is happening today...lots of changes everywhere...but God is unchanging...He is the same as the beginning, now and forever more!

I have recently been meditating on this verse for various reasons, and recently took out a few words and it totally changed my perspective: THIS day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad...WoW...a little emphasis on certain words changes everything, to me anyway. Now, no matter what the day holds, THIS day, I can rejoice and be glad because God made it, He is in it, around it and HE will carry me through it!!

Also, try saying it out might just be surprised as to the state of your heart! I have done this many times with passages, but once I was so convicted that I now make it a practice, especially on low days.

The passage that convicted me was 1Corinthians 13:4, you know the one...Love is patient, love is kind... Well, that particular day I was not feeling it and when I was reading the passage I was prompted by the Spirit to read it aloud...luckily I was alone, because my attitude came out in my tone...OUCH! I was saying the words, but so not living the words...and that is the point!!

So, rejoice and be glad for This is the day that the LORD has made, no matter what it may bring find JOY in HIM today!

I will practicing this all day....It is moving day!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Whispers in the wind

Today was a better day, thank goodness for New Mercies every morning!!

The wind has been blowing all day, a gentle breeze really...nice in Texas when temps are already reaching in the mid nineties. But there was something special about the breeze today...

Today, as I closed by eyes and was present in the moment, the breeze came across my face and I heard a whisper...very soft and faint; you had to really be present to hear said "I am here, find rest in me." At that moment, the breeze blowing, the birds singing, the earth quite...I heard the whisper and I rested.

I hope that you find rest in the ONE who says that HIS yoke is light; rest from the ONE who gives it to the weary and down trodden...stop for a moment and be present and listen for the whisper on the wind, and find REST IN HIM, Christ Jesus!

Blessing to you and yours this peaceful summer evening.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

A lesson for myself

Well, it is Sunday, nice breeze, birds singing and sunshine...

We were originally going to be on the road this morning, but as life would have it, things change and schedules are adjusted and I have been given a beautiful Sunday morning to relax!

There are those whose cannot, do not, and sometimes just refuse to "go with the flow", and become angry in the delays or interruptions. I do feel sorry for these people, as I was once one of them...I missed so many blessings being angry and frustrated!

Take for instance, when you are trying to get somewhere in a hurry and you continue to make wrong turns, detours or delays..instead of being upset, I thank God for saving me from something that was perhaps not the best for takes practice..but eventually the blessings are so easy to see and enjoy; and it is much healthier for you too!

This is a two part post...this is what happened shortly after writing the above:

We received a call to show the house between 2-4 at noon...all fine and was clean just needed to be picked up.

One child went to the neighbors, husband took the other to swim and I took the dogs and boat which was okay until I allowed "myself" to start thinking about "me"...Satan's favorite time to attack!!

It was hot, I was tired and it seemed like nobody cared about "me" except me...first mistake! Kinda started a pity party...four o'clock came and I went home, received another call ...the people for the first showing did not come and now wanted to come at 5:00....I was angry to say the least...ya know the kind of angry where all you can do is cry, that was were I was!! So now back into the truck with the dogs and pulling the boat, said a few words to the husband that should not have been said and realized I was on the previously mentioned field trip...yikes!!

Why is it that when we feel the most "spiritual", like this morning when I began this post, we get sidelined? Paul wrote to the Romans: I realize that I don't have what it takes. I can will it, but I can't do it. I decide to do good, but I don't really do it, I decide not to do bad, but then I do it anyway. But there is GOOD NEWS!! With the arrival of Jesus, the Messiah, that fateful dilemma is resolved. Romans 7:17-20 If it were not for the saving GRACE of Jesus Christ, I still might be angry, fighting with my husband and just a it is, I have a slight headache and a knowledge that I am still learning; and I did to keep practicing what I preach!!

Tomorrow is another day and God willing, a new chance to do better and become more like His son Jesus Christ!!

May the peace of the Lord be with you all!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

More background stuff...

I feel like I am not flowing very well with my thoughts, but I feel like I am trying to catch you up on so much bare with me!

Miracles...people don't seem to think they happen any more or that we create are own...I totally disagree with both ideas. Miracles happen everyday, you just need to looking and listening for them...which means you need to be in a relationship with the ONE who is the MIRACLE WORKER..JESUS! I just might have lost a few readers with that sentence, but I truly hope you stick around....

My miracles:
New House: heated floors (remember I am a Texan who is always barefoot); dog shower in laundry room..we have two large dogs who love the water; space for an apartment either in detached garage or in the basement for when Bob's mom is ready; fixtures and electronic equipment that we picked out for the house we built in Texas already in place in the new house

I know some of you are saying, okay so what is the big deal...little gifts from God are miracles and in each room of this house there was a little gift...HIS fingerprints were every where!!

Teenage step daughter: totally hates the idea that we are moving (she is staying with her mom to finish out her senior year); miracle is that this has opened new levels of communication not only with her, but also between my husband and myself...lessons in faith and trust are a plenty!!

Friends: some are in disagreement, some are supportive; however it has caused me to look to Jesus more than man/woman for today's world that equals a miracle!!

God's ways are not our ways: He has given me eyes to see HIS way in a much clearer view! I really do love my new eyes!! Though, there are times I would prefer the straight upfront route..but then not everyone who is suppose to be blessed would more eye check ups to come!

Quite Peace: this is my biggest miracle...really I have been at peace about so many things and assured that the decisions made have been right and best...when you are in a true, life transforming relationship with GOD the quite peace is sometimes to much to take truly is emotionally overpowering, in a good way! I pray that you experience this, especially in today's world which is so unsettling!

May the Peace of Lord be with you today and always!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Decision to Move

So I guess I should back up a bit and give a little more information about the big move...

It all started when I married a man from Minnesota, who happened to be living in the time his two children were six and three, so he was not leaving any time soon...time has passed however and those children are now twenty and seventeen! Thus the move back home to Minnesota; and my story begins..

I will try to not bore you with the "moving" details, only those that have transformed the ordinary into divine learning. And I will try not to get up on the soap box that has a tendency to find itself under my feet!

The first lesson is that once you say "yes" to a prompting from God, be ready ... He moves loving husband announced he was ready to move back to Minnesota in mid January and the house was on the market February 1; found a new home by the end of February; and am now moving 2 days after school lets out....Did I mention the house has not sold yet?

I feel like an Israelite when Moses said we are leaving and the next thing they were crossing the Red Sea...the Red River in my case! It took alot of trust and knowing God was in front leading the trust meter has been running on overtime lately and I have found great peace in reading the Exodus...So I am trusting, believing and expecting great things in the next few weeks...stay tune and I will let ya know the miracles that occur!

If we are willing and open, lives little adventures turn into spiritual transformations and the world has become your classroom..."remember to pay attention in the classroom, because some field trips are just not ones we want to go on!"-Beth Moore

The Begining of an Adventure

Well, here goes, my first blog attempt! I am doing this as a spiritual discipline, like journaling but on a computer :) Hence the title of the blog..Transforming Texan...

I am a native, generational Texan who is moving to about a spiritual journey!

So, this move has sparked a desire to write about the changes, challenges, blessings and down right miracles that are occurring and will occur... so please stay tuned.

I do not consider myself a writer, so this is a stretch for me; but aren't most spiritual journeys? Stretching is how we learn, heal and eventually grow into more of who God wants us to become.

Please enjoy and maybe, just maybe, you will join me in my strecthing exercises and grow a little with me.