Have you ever caught yourself speaking to yourself? Of course you have!
This morning was no acception. I was in serious conversation, not aloud, but with my heart, my very being, coming to terms with my unsettledness of spirit. Why am I feeling this way? How do I change it? Wishing for my spiritual journeyman(women) that have been with me for so long...they would let me rant, then gently turn me back to the One who actually could and would make things better.
Then the question came, why not just turn to ME now? AM I not the ONE who can and will bring peace and rest?
I was still missing the human contact, but no longer felt alone. I began to think about prisoners, outcast, people who truly are alone and HE is still there with them...so why do I feel the need for more than just HIM?
This is where we all fall short and fall fast. We have allowed our society to shape us into thinking that we need to fill the void when we find ourselves lonely or alone with people, things...idols really. When the spoken word of GOD is food, drink, and companionship for our souls.
HE created nature to appeal to our senses, bring us into communion with HIM. HE created music to soothe our weary bones with the softness of HIS touch.
I have forgotten. So will you join me on a walk today, listening to HIS music of birds, feeling HIS touch with the wind, seeing HIS face in another person and remember what HE has spoken...
"Don't shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around...See things from HIS perspective." Col.3:1-2 The Message
Peace to you!
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Thank you for taking the time to leave a word of encouragement...I truly consider it a blessing that you have spent the time reading my scribbles in the sand.