Saturday, June 26, 2010

It has been a year!

Well, the year mark has past.

Officially it has been a year since we moved, however the move is not complete, there are still loose ends to tie up and offices to takes a while to move a life.

And with this year mark, we have another move to make, another parent with health problems, and more opportunity to praise GOD!!

First, the move thing...when we moved last year we were renting to buy, because the house in Texas had not sold yet..still is not sold, still cannot buy and therefore another move! But the lessons that we have learned!!

1. The ideal location and perfect house are not always what is best in the long run..

2. What the world views as success is usually a trap set by the enemy and causes more stress than what one person can handle!!

3. So many lies have been revealed and the LIGHT is shining so brightly!!

4. When the sands move it is good to be standing on a ROCK!!

I have carried you since you were born; I have taken care of you from your birth. Even when you are old, I will be the same. Even when your hair has turned gray, I will take care of you. I made you and will take care of . I will carry you and save you!! --GOD.. Isaiah 46:4

So, we are looking for a different house to rent and will be moving in least I am in Minnesota and not Texas for an August move...praise and thanksgiving all around!!

As for our parents, my mother-in-law has completed six rounds of chemo and will start maintenance treatments in July. Thank you all for your continued prayers for healing, she still has a long road ahead of her.

My own parents have had their share of health issues this year as well. My mom broke her wrist while waiting for my dad to have tests done...what a pair!! Anyway, my dad now has fluid in his lung cavity, not in his lungs, and we are awaiting those test results...

The kiddos are doing well, they are attending a small christian school, which means that even though we are moving again, they will not have to change schools...again, praise and thanksgiving all around!!!

All in all it has been a good year..a lot of growing, praying, trusting, waiting...but isn't that just your everyday ordinary life!!!

Finding GOD'S fingerprints is the key to finding joy in the midst of a storm!

May you find lots of fingerprints in your own journey!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a year you have had. I'm glad you are able to see the good too.

    I can't believe your house in Texas hasn't sold yet but I guess the perfect person for that home hasn't come around yet and you probably haven't found just the right one for you either.

    That's when ours sold, when I had found the house here that I felt was perfect for us. It wasn't what I thought I wanted or even what I was looking for at the time but when saw it I knew it was the one. We are moving next week.

    I really enjoyed reading your update. I miss you. Can you believe it was like 25 years or so since moved from Greenville?! How can that be? We're only like 20 year old right? LOL

    Keep your chin up. You are doing a great job and I'm proud of you! You keep me in awe all the time. There are many, many times I think to myself, "I want to be more like Jean".

    Love ya!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a word of encouragement...I truly consider it a blessing that you have spent the time reading my scribbles in the sand.