So, I have decided that I am a once a month writer...suits me really, I don't like sharing personal struggles everyday, it gets wearisome.
Not that everyday is a struggle, I guess I could write about blessings, ordinary things like smiles, leaves, snow, ice and such...actually I should write about those things...maybe a goal for the New Year :)

ACTION is a very powerful word. Directors of plays and movies use the word to command actors to motion. It is a verb that describe the doing, the doing of anything really. So, for this next year, I am going to do my best to start doing and stop complaining, stop waiting, and stop wanting change and make it happen with God's help!
Simple things really, not huge money making ideals, just ordinary life changes and using Daniel as my example...a set prayer time, better eating habits, prayers of thanksgiving instead of want or sorrow, watching for the Second Coming and avoiding modern day Babel. So much of this I have studied, yet have failed to do on a daily basis for long periods of time. My resolution is to make these practices into habits for a lifetime and to leave them as a legacy for my children and grandchildren (God willing).
ACTION is also being quite and letting God move as HE wills. Allowing myself to be molded and shaped in HIS hands. Following in HIS footsteps and live my HIS example. I heard it once that we can spend a lifetime praying, but until we step out into faith, we may never see the prayers takes ACTION, moving with God's timing...HE always answers with an ACTION, either to GO or to STAY, both ACTIONS, both causing us to do something, calling on strength that is not our own.
So, let's put the past behind us. Claim the gift that has been given, salvation, redemption, and forgiveness. Stand at the starting line and move into the life that God so wants us to claim, a life of freedom and fullness in HIM. A call to ACTION!
Blessing upon you and yours this NEW YEAR and won't you join me in the race of living!