Well, if you have been reading my blog, you know that I fell short of the 40 days. Which in hindsight is okay, because "I" got in the way, again.
The Spirit cannot place HIS words here if I continue to make it about me. The closer it got to my sister's heaven day, the more I wanted/needed something inspiring for me!! So, when I sat down to write, nothing came...and then life happened..
My world came crashing down little by little and I lost sight of who is in control!
My youngest started weekly appointments and then medication was added.
The mission trip planned for the week between Christmas and New Year's was canceled, by my husband due to violence in the area.
The stress of a "traditional" Christmas looming...
I felt like every thing I was hoping for was being flushed away is one swoop of HIS hand. Which of course was far from the truth, as it usually is!!
My youngest is learning life lessons to carry her through adulthood and I am learning about myself as well. (and now finally getting much needed sleep!)
The airfare for the mission trip was used to fly to Texas for a surprise Thanksgiving with my family!!
And my husband and I truly are getting on the same page about changing our celebrations of Christmas, slow steps but steps together!
AND most importantly, I have learned that what we expect and having expectations are two very different things.
Expecting something, like going on the mission trip, I had already planned what would happen, how God would move and what my response would be...
On the other hand, simply expecting means that I am open to HIS leading and excited about how He MIGHT move and HOW He will grow me in the process!
Expectations should equal excitement, not disappointment.
It all goes back to having faith like a child....even if a child know what might happen during a certain event or planned trip, they are still excited even if things don't go as planned...they have no preconceived ideas or plans or wants. They live the moment and enjoy the ride!! AND their expectations are always met and exceeded!
So my goal this year, is to live expectantly, not expecting!
Here to all of HIS expectations for us being fulfilled!!
Happy New Year!