Take for instance on Tuesday, like most of the United States, it was snowing...to make a long story short, on the way to school we hit a slick spot and did a 180 into a snow bank! That afternoon after all was fixed and done, I was looking for people to join me in my pity party...this is where the struggle comes in...
Every single person I spoke with that day quickly pointed out how we were blessed that day!! True, we were very blessed...no damage to the car, to us or to other cars...had the money to get 4 new tires...my daughter did NOT have a panic attack during or after the ordeal...handled it all with my husband out of town...my mother-in-law spent time with me that morning while I calmed down
BUT...I really wanted to break down and cry and complain that my husband was out of town, we have gotten more than our fair share of snow

(Minnesota, I know there is suppose to be snow...but not non stop!),
and I was far away from MY family!
My own Daddy was on the blessings band wagon too!!
Funny isn't it?? How we can always point out the blessings when we are walking in the LIGHT!
If I wasn't surrounded by this great group of people (my parents included), this little incident could have blown way out of proportion .... look at what the enemy would have loved to have happened...
I could have held a grudge against my husband for "having to travel" instead of being thankful for a job = a breaking down of my marriage
I could have spent the day playing the "what if" game and gotten too scared to drive in the snow again which is not practical considering where I live = anxiety and depression
I could have totally lost it instead of pointing out how well my children handled the situation = words that cause brokenness instead of love and growth
I could have refused to see my mother in law simply because she is not my mom = not allowing GOD to work in or use someone
The enemy wanted to have a hay day with me on Tuesday, but GOD had other plans!!
So even if it is annoying to have the blessings pointed out to you when all you want is a pity party, remember who is throwing the pity party!!
Walk in the LIGHT and in ALL THINGS give THANKS and PRAISE...we are!!
Oh, when my husband goes on business trip, it is very hard ... even in sunny Cal. ;) Wonderful to share a slice of your walk in the way in MN, dear friend. So glad you jammed, Jean!