Wednesday, June 10, 2009

This day, rejoice!

This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! Psalm 118:24

Some words are so common to us that we forget how much power there is in them. Take for instance the above verse from Psalm 118, how many times have you heard this verse and agreed or have said, "Yea, whatever, not really rejoicing today!" WE all do this, but I have found if you take one verse and really meditate on it, new and deeper meaning comes to light.

Psalm 118 is all about rejoicing in God's unchanging love, unchanging in not something that is happening today...lots of changes everywhere...but God is unchanging...He is the same as the beginning, now and forever more!

I have recently been meditating on this verse for various reasons, and recently took out a few words and it totally changed my perspective: THIS day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad...WoW...a little emphasis on certain words changes everything, to me anyway. Now, no matter what the day holds, THIS day, I can rejoice and be glad because God made it, He is in it, around it and HE will carry me through it!!

Also, try saying it out might just be surprised as to the state of your heart! I have done this many times with passages, but once I was so convicted that I now make it a practice, especially on low days.

The passage that convicted me was 1Corinthians 13:4, you know the one...Love is patient, love is kind... Well, that particular day I was not feeling it and when I was reading the passage I was prompted by the Spirit to read it aloud...luckily I was alone, because my attitude came out in my tone...OUCH! I was saying the words, but so not living the words...and that is the point!!

So, rejoice and be glad for This is the day that the LORD has made, no matter what it may bring find JOY in HIM today!

I will practicing this all day....It is moving day!

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Thank you for taking the time to leave a word of encouragement...I truly consider it a blessing that you have spent the time reading my scribbles in the sand.